Week 8 Comments and Feedback

As strange as this sounds, I prefer the more critical comments. Yes, encouragement is nice and helpful, but I find that recommendations and suggestions are more useful in my personal writing process. Because of this reason, I have changed the nature of my comments. Instead of just positives, I try to add my own ideas into my comments so that the author has more options and ideas for their stories. I hope they don't think I'm being rude! This also forces me to read more intently and to use my brain during reading sessions. I really like reading blog comments. I find that I have at lease something in common with each person enrolled in the course, which is very neat, since we are all so different.
(Feedback Cat. cheezburger.)

I chose this picture because I personally relate. I am typically not the best at taking criticism, but this course has helped me to see that feedback can be seriously beneficial in all kinds of settings. Feedback and suggestions are just there to push you further along in your personal process and to help reveal what you are capable of!
