Introduction to A Future Music Teacher

Hi, dear reader! My name is Jessie Stout. I am a 22 year old senior Music Education major here at the University of Oklahoma...more on that to come. I grew up in a small town called Claremore, Oklahoma. Until college, it is the only home I had experienced, so it is truly my concept of home. So, I grew up a Sooner! I have a wonderful family who still lives there. I have awesome parents, an older sister and younger twin siblings who are some of my best friends. I love where I come from and the people who helped shape me. (I've attached a photo because they're too beautiful not to share.)
(Photo taken by: Abby Tohline. Family portrait at older sister's wedding, October 2016)

All throughout my life, I have been involved in music, whether it be piano lessons, choir or musical theater. I should've known from the beginning that I wanted to make a life of it, but I did not figure it out until my sophomore year of college. I began as a psychology major and realized that I could not live a life without music. So, I applied to and auditioned for the School of Music and was accepted! Three years later, I am overwhelmed by the joy I find in my school. I am a vocal music education major, so I spend most of my days in voice lessons, choir or education classes and I wouldn't have it any other way. I also intern with Norman Children's Chorus. This consists of teaching elementary school students how to sing in a choral setting.
Moving forward beyond graduation, my aspiration is to be a high school level music educator. And eventually, I would like to continue my degree and instruct at a college level. I love choral music and I love the relationship that music classes foster.
This is just a small tidbit about me and my passions. I am a multifaceted person and I can't wait to tell you more about myself as the weeks go on.
Happy until!


  1. Hi Jessie, my name is Chelsea Journee and I am in your online Epics of India class. I think that it is awesome that you decided to change your major to something you love to do. You seem very passionate about music and I think it is awesome that you want to teach music in the future. All throughout grade school and high school I was in band (I played the clarinet) and all of the music teachers, lesson teachers and directors I had impacted my life in such a positive light. Good luck this semester!

  2. Hi Jessie! I like that you are a family person and your family is absolutely gorgeous! I’m really glad you ended up realizing that you wanted to follow your passion of music. I admire that you are pursuing what you really love. That’s so cool that you get to teach elementary school kids how to sing. Little kids are so adorable. I wish you lots of luck in your future!

  3. Hi Jessie, nice to meet you! I am a senior this year as well (whoo hoo seniors!!). I loved hearing about your path to your major in music. It sounds like you are really passionate about it! That is so neat you get to work with children to teach them about how to sing in a choir. Best of luck to you this semester!

  4. Music education FOR THE WIN, Jessie! As you may have guessed, I am a very passionate educator... and the two subjects I would most want for students to learn in school are how to write and how to make their own art and music. Yes, I know other things are very important but, just in my opinion, I think those are the most important. :-)
    I will be really happy if this class can be a way for you to encounter the beautiful music traditions of India. I've been sharing videos from some of my favorite Indian musicians in the announcements, and my absolute all-time favorites are Maati Baani, a husband and wife duo. Nirali is trained as a classical singer, and together they do classical and folk and all kinds of creative modern mash-ups. If you are interested, here is their YouTube channel; I admire their work so much: Maati Baani at YouTube

  5. Hi Jessie, I'm Jake Compton. It's pretty cool that you are a music education major. I like music and I wish I had taken more time in my younger years to learn how to play an instrument and maybe one day I will try to again. It's great that you were able to find something you are so passionate about and want to pursue long term career in your passion.

  6. Hey Jessie, I love how into music you are. I went on a road trip this break, 25 hours, and never got bored once just singing to good music, although I am a horrible a still try. I have played the saxophone since middle school and instantly fell in love. I became extremely involved with my school's band program. The best part was, as you said, the friendships music can create. I am trying to learn guitar because why not and I'm pretty horrible at it so far, but I just missed music so much. Good luck in your future endeavors, music rules the world.

  7. Hi Jessie!
    First off, I really like the design and layout of your blog and I think your use of personal photos makes your introduction page a lot more relatable and enjoyable to read. It’s really cool that music is the main focus of your career and it is something you are really passionate about! There’s nothing better then realizing what you are meant to do. I hope you have a great semester and I look forward to revisiting your blog throughout the course!

  8. Hey Jessie! Music is an integral part of my life too so I know the feeling of wanting to keep it a part of your life. That's so cool that you have a passion for it and found a way to incorporate that into your education and life beyond graduation. Interning with the Children's Chorus must be great too! Getting to work with kids and teaching them music sounds like a great experience!

  9. Hi Jessie! I think it's great you feel such an attachment to your hometown and love for your family! Hopefully you can visit them often. Besides that, it's great that you're pursuing a career in a field you're so passionate about. Your internship seems pretty interesting and it's a good way to gain experience with teaching. Good luck on spreading your passion to your students!

  10. Hey, Jessie! I love that you're a music education major. In elementary school, I was in the choir and I started learning my very first instrument, which was the violin. I played that violin for a total of 5 years and I still continue to sing today, and I can honestly say that my music teachers in elementary school really contributed to my love of music for today! You're going to touch so many young kid's lives with music and that's so exciting! I look forward to checking out your blog over the semester.

  11. Hey Jessie! Your introduction was so sweet! I'm also close with my family, so I definitely related. I didn't know you started out as a psychology major, since your passion for music is so obvious! But I guess everyone changes their major at least once, so I'm glad you found one that you love. I'm excited to see the what creative stories you come up with!

  12. Hi Jessie! I love that you are a multifaceted person and I think that it is so cool that you are pursuing music! I took piano lessons before going into college and I had a similar pickle of thinking I wanted to do something with Psychology in college as well. I ended up not choosing psychology or music but I love that your story portrays what I could have done! I am excited for what is new and what will go on in your life!

  13. Hi Jessie. It's always really nice hearing about people who found what they like to do and are really enjoying school, especially when it comes to students studying to become teachers. I was in orchestra throughout middle school, high school, and a short time at the University, and some of my fondest memories are of my music teachers. We all have those teachers we will never forget, and I'm sure with how passionate you sound about music and teaching, you will be one of those teachers for many people in the future.

  14. Hi Jessie. I love that you started as a different major and realized that you could not live without music. Most people would have been scared to switch, but I am glad that you recognized this. I am also from a small town and I could not agree more with your statement, " I love where I come from and the people who helped shape me." That statement is so true. Great post.

  15. Hi Jessie it is great to see your studying something you really love! Switching majors in college is difficult especially as drastically as you have, but it definitely seems like you don't regret it. I was in band all throughout high school, and one of my biggest regrets is not continuing it. Good luck with graduation this year!

  16. Hello Jessie. First off, congratulations on almost graduating. We grew up not too far away from each other. I was born in Tulsa and moved to Broken Arrow a little later in life. It is great that you have found something your so passionate about. Teaching younger people about music is important. I hope your semester goes well and I look forward to reading your stories.

  17. Hey Jessie! It is really cool that you are interning with the Norman Children’s Chorus. It sounds like a wonderful organization to be a part of. I have never known anyone that was so invested into music and choir. It is an interesting degree and I am glad that you are following your passions. Good luck with the rest of your time at OU!

  18. Hi Jessie!

    That's so awesome how you want to be a music teacher! The only music class I've taken at OU is Experiencing Music, which to this day, remains one of my favorites. In my younger days, I sang in choir and also was involved in modern dance but I became too busy with my pre-med studies to focus solely on these. I love how passionate you are about your musical pursuits. I wish you the best of luck!

  19. Hey there Jessie! That is so cool to hear that you found exactly what you love in life and that you are able to do it for the rest of your life as a career! Hearing things like that are what make my days. I too only knew of a small town as I grew up and I plan to spend the later years of my life in a small town as well. There is just something about the country setting that I love and I am sure that you feel the same way.

  20. Vocal music sounds so much fun! I've loved singing since I was a child, and it brings such happiness. I'm glad you've found something to give you joy. Instructing at a college level would be nice, since you'll be meeting like-minded adults and help them to achieve things they're as passionate about as you were as a college student. I wish you the best of luck in your studies.


  21. Hey Jessie. It is always great to see people pursuing their dreams so passionately. It is wonderful that you can pursue a career that so closely matches your passion and makes you that happy. You also seem to have quite the plan in place for after graduation. Best of luck to you in teaching, and I hope everything goes smoothly for you if you come back to further your degree.

  22. Hey Jessie! It is so nice to meet you and learn more about you through this introduction. I also grew up in a small town and I really do love hearing from other people about what they think about small town living. You seem to have a fun-filled life and I can definitely tell that you really do love your family and enjoy spending time with them. I hope you have been having a great semester!

  23. Hey Jessie! I really like how you wrote your introduction. You sound very devoted to music and I'm really glad you've found something you are passionate about. A lot of people have trouble deciding what to do and it seems you've had it figured out for a while, Which I think is a blessing. I'm glad you love your family as much as you do and they look wonderful from the picture you have included.

  24. Hey Jessie! I know several other girls from Claremore, I wonder if you would know them! I'm glad that you realized in college that you needed to pursue your passion, a lot of people don't realize that until later on in life and end up kicking themselves for it. Good for you for switching and doing what you love, I think you're going to be a great music teacher!

  25. Hey Jessie! I am actually from Bixby and have been to Claremore and played the Zebras many times. I think it is so cool that you are pursuing music! Music is the only universal language and can be very powerful! It is also awesome that you have a close family. It helps a lot when times get hard. Thanks for sharing!!

  26. Hi Jessie! Nice to meet you!
    I am so glad you followed your heart and changed majors! There's nothing better than loving what you do! You're going to make an amazing teacher and I wish you the best of luck! Also, I love that you're so close with your family. I am close with mine as well!
    I look forward to reading your story!

  27. Hi Jessie! Congrats on having found your passion. I was planning to go to college and pursue some "normal" profession until my senior year of high school. I decided then that I had to pursue my passion and become a ballet dancer. I'm very happy that I took that chance and was able to be a professional dancer for a few years before going to school to pursue a more "normal" career.

  28. Hey Jessie! It is great to meet you! I am in your Indian Epics class. It is so great that you found out what you are passionate about and what type of job that you want to do with your love of music. Congrats on your upcoming graduation!~ It is such an exciting time on campus right now. I can't believe there are only two weeks left.

  29. Hey Jessie,

    That is a really cool career path you are working towards! I have never been musically gifted, but I think it’s a really cool skill when someone is able to play an instrument. I’m sure you are going to have an incredible impact on the lives of a lot of kids when you get out of college. Have a great rest of the semester!

  30. Hey Jessie!

    I am glad I got the chance to read your introduction before the semester ends! It is so cool that you have found your passion and are working towards doing it for a living. I too love music and wish I were more musically inclined because I love musical theatre. I have always wanted to learn to play the piano as well so it is cool that you are able to enjoy music on so many levels.

  31. Hey Jesse. I know exactly where Claremore is. I grew up in Mustang. I think of Mustang as my home also even though I have an apartment here. You sound like you have your head on straight. I liked the statement, "I love where I come from and the people who helped shape me." I do not hear this sort of thing often from classmates or people I serve at O'Connell's. This is very heartwarming.


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