Week 4 Story

Ravana’s Death Retelling

"Dang it!" Rama thought to himself. As much as he tried to shoot arrows into Ravana's many heads, they just kept growing back. Rama had fought too long and to hard to lose, so he began to contemplate using something he had no desire to. He didn't want to have to use it, but this was his last resource to defeat Ravana. Long before, Brahma had created a flaming arrow that could kill nearly anything, as detrimental to a being as anything in existence. With hesitation, but a firm understanding of the stakes, Rama took a deep breath, drew his bow and arrow, and with an aim only a god could possess, he released.
That was that. He was dead. Rama had pierced Ravana straight through the heart. Ravana fell to the ground and completely ceased to exist. This happening, long since prophesied, had finally come to pass. Rama had completed this journey and finally fulfilled his purpose.
A heavenly music began to play all around and flowers of all colors fell from the skies like rain. Everything surrounding the battle, the water, the trees, the skies, all rejoiced for Ravana’s death.
"Rama, our friend, you have completed your task." a voice from above spoke. "Now you can enter the city." He did.
With tear filled eyes, and as the rest of the world rejoiced, Vibhishana performed his brothers funeral whereas he only had a short time before he was to fulfill his brothers previous role.

(Rama and Lakshmana attack Ravana. From PDE)

In this story, I didn't change the storyline at all. I simply added inner thoughts of Rama as well as some dialogue, for the sake of being relatable and clear. I also chose to add more imagery to the this expositional-style retelling.


  1. I really enjoyed your details! Imagery really helps make a clear scene in my mind and I'm sure it helps other readers as well. The extra dialogue also helps in understanding what Rama is like, which is hard to tell sometimes in the original stories. What if you had changed Rama's weapon? Would it have caused Rama to be defeated or would it have been easier for him to slay Ravana?

  2. Hey Jessie! You did a great job bringing so much emotion into this story. The changes you made were subtle, but made a big impact. You could really feel the conflict in Rama, which only made his victory that much sweeter. This was beautifully well written. I think it that you could have maybe added just a little more of Rama's thoughts to make it even more impactful. But overall this was a really enjoyable story!

  3. Hey Jessie! I love that you chose something from the Ramayana! The scene where Ravana dies is a very emotional scene to me and I often think about my own faith. Thea idea of getting shot through the heart bears a significant symbolism and I really appreciate how you incorporate that into the story. I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future and to hear about what else new and exciting things happen in your life! Happy blogging!


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